
Hi, nice to meet you! I'm Felicitas but you can call me Feli. Currently I started my master's in Design & Future Making at Hochschule Pforzheim.

I'm always open to learn new things and I'm thriving in a dynamic, interdisciplinary and motivated environment. Gladly, I was able to experience such environments besides university during my work at the Institute Design & Systeme in Würzburg, as well as working with the Fraunhofer IIS.

I'm fascinated by the synergy between the analog and digital worlds. This fascination drives me, as I firmly believe that digital media can support us even more in our everyday lives and in more sustainable decisions.

I'm always open for a nice chat and to connect! :)

Luv & Lee Magazine

Collection of several issues of the student magazine
at the University of Applied Sciences in Würzburg

March 2020 – September 2022
Graphic Design, Art Direction
In collaboration with: a team of switching students
The student magazine Luv & Lee has been published at the Faculty of Design for over 11 years now. Students have the opportunity to express themselves on a changing theme and print free works in a collected magazine. The topic, the design framework and the final printing are carried out by the students of the changing head team.
I’m very happy, that I was able to be a part of the head team, which main responsibilities besides the above meantioned also included the supervision of the contributing students. I really enjoyed working in bigger teams and the creativity every individual brought to the magazine and the contributions made.
Additionally, another task was to plan the whole printing process with the printing agency bonitasprint gmbh in Würzburg to fit the budget and the overall styling. The magazines were sold online during covid and in person in different shops or during the semesters exhibition.